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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  January 31, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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problem is. >> the 142 missing lights are also a reason to be more careful at night. >> having a darkened area is necessarily the main factor or contributing factor to a rising crime. but understanding that, we understand, too, that in dark areas it's less likely to people are going to be able to see suspicious activity. >> a city looking for a fix to many of its fixtures. >> now, we got this memoranda from the city of san jose about fixing its lights. we are told that this neighborhood along rye land drive in san jose should see lights fixed within the next few days but many other neighborhoods will have to wait longer. scott budman, nbc. >> now to our continuing coverage of the 49ers' quest for number six. tonight the team is hoping to turn its attention back to the game plan and away from the controversial comments of one player. chris culliver's anti-gay
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statements to a radio shock jock took a firestorm. today he took the heat and offered apologies. amid fa read, he's getting support from his coach now that he's issued the apologies. >> absolutely. what you said was perfect. this team is hoping to focus on the field and not off the field because the last couple of days it has all been off the field with comments from chris culliver that he would not welcome a gay teammate. he has said he regrets those comments but not on camera till today. here with the comments today along with the 49ers ceo. >> i'm sorry if i offended everyone. that was a very ugly comment. that's not what i feel in my heart. hopefully i can learn and grow from this experience and this situation. and that i love san francisco. >> he wants to grow, he wants to learn the lgbt community. he wants to learn more about the communities at large in the bay area. and now it's up to us to either
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treat that with incense activity and intolerance and say he doesn't have that opportunity or you can take him at his word say okay, chris, we can now make this a true positive, a win-win for everybody. >> now, jim harbaugh when he talked to chris could youly versace he hopes chris learns from this situation. jim also talked with dave feldman. we're hoping that situation was more pleasant for the head coach. here's a small excerpt of that one-on-one interview with the 49ers head coach a couple days before the biggest game of his life. >> you said yesterday's practice you want to take a picture it was so good. what was so great about it, just crisp and sharp because you haven't had a real practice in an while. >> that's right the energy, the focus, the execution. we would like to photocopy that and have it repeated today. >> you're getting closer. are you getting more excited, jim? it's a big game and i know you said fog's better and worse than
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games. as you get closer, do you get more amped for it? >> probably. but you know, i'm enjoying every minute. enthusiastic about every minute. have been today and probably will be tomorrow. >> do you get better in this game or you get worse. are you getting better now? >> i believe so. the extra weeks of practice i know have helped our team that is out there playing and guys that are practicing. there's documented evidence of that. i don't believe too much in momentum but i do believe in improvement. that will lead to success. i think we're seeing that. >> you were probably busy yesterday but jack and jackie stole the show. they held a press conference. did you hear anything about it? >> yeah, i heard that they were awesome. looking forward to seeing it when we get a minute. >> yeah, it's been all harbaugh all the time at the super bowl and more of that tomorrow as jim
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and john, the two head coaches in this game, will hold a joint press conference. coming up later in sports, we'll talk more 49ers and jim kozimor will be here talking about vernon davis and why this is the best year of his life. reporting live from the super bowl in new orleans, ahmed fa read, nbc bay area news. >> nice work and great exclusive access for dave feldman and jim harbaugh. be careful of that new kaepernick jersey you just bought. counterfeiting combined with technology means modern crooks can counterfeit almost everything including super bowl gear. investigators from homeland security and customs enforcement displayed stacks of 49er footballs, hats, jersey t-shirts, today in san francisco. they aren't for sale. all of this is evidence part of a hall of more than $330 million worth of phony nfl merchandise seized in the bay area alone as part of operation red zone.
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agents targeted items sold online and right on your neighborhood street. >> just my own personal experience yesterday i was coming out of a restaurant from lunch and a guy sat up a table in front of me, piled a lunch of stuff on the table and started selling it. later on that day, we took his stuff. but it's aggressive. it's out there. it's every day. >> careful what you buy. nationwide, the crackdown has seized an estimated 13 million in fake merchandise. well, guess who has 49ers fever along with so many people around here? al roker the super bowl hype not just in new orleans but here in san francisco. tomorrow morning it, join us for the "today" show live at the ferry building "today in the bay" starts at 4:30 a.m. if you'd like to be part of the show, get there around 3:30 tomorrow morning. rise and shine. then on saturday night, in primetime, 9:00 p.m. catch our 49ers special right here. we'll be broadcasting live from
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new orleans and then on sunday after the game, change the channel to nbc bay area. the official post-game show. 49ers post-game live. we will take you immediately after the game inside the niners locker room right after the game. >> now to a story you'll see only on nbc bay area. guns flying off the shelves at a south bay gun store. the owner says they've sold as many guns in a week as usually in a month. what's behind the surge? people concerned about increasing crime and decreasing cops. nbc bay area's damien true hill io is live with the story. this has to be raising big concerns in the department to know there's more people out there with guns. >> the department was not happy when i gave them the news. and perhaps more alarming is the makeup of the people who are buying those guns. it happened last week in willow glen, a teenager grabbed the family's shotgun when he heard burglars at the door. >> personally i'm okay with it. >> the teenager's fave says more and more people are considering
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arming themselves for protection. >> i had dinner with some people last night and the topic came up, yeah. >> reporter: at the gun exchange in san jose, they're not only talking about it, they're doing it. sales have adequate rupeled over the last few weeks. >> it's been busy. too much crime. way too much crime. you know? and we don't have a big enough police force to handle it. that's the problem. >> reporter: even veteran gun dealer mike fournier is surprised by who's buy the guns. >> we're getting women, lots of girls and old ladies coming in and buying their first gun. 60-year-old women. >> it's a concern to the south bay police department that people feel like they have to arm themself as a roult of feeling unsafe. >> police say gun empires need to be aware of the liability concerns that come with owning a gun. >> the liabilities are the fact
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that wrongful death. what happens in the event that you have to discharge that firearm and do you it in a negligent manner. >> the dog ultimately scared off the would be intruders so the teenager didn't have to fire the shotgun, but the owner of the gun exchange says there's a clear message to the crooks, people are fighting back. the gun owner's store is also rationing ammunition at the gun exchanging in south san jose. he can't keep them on the shelf. right now if you go into that store, you can only buy one box of ammo per customer. this is a national trend. there's a shortage throughout the country but eeshlly here in san jose. i'm damian trujillo. >> thank you, damien. today three men accused of tying up an elderly couple ransacking their home and stealing their cars made their first court appearance. they were scheduled to enter pleas but the hearing was continued.
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they faced several charges including robbery, kidnapping and false imprisonment and today charged with attempted murder. police believe the trio was also involved in three-day bay area crime spree before the home invasion last week. >> new tonight at 6:00, a second trial but the same outcome. today a judge declared a mistrial in the case of a san francisco crime lab tech accused of stealing cocaine from the facility. jurors told a judge they reached an impasse and could not agree on whether 62-year-old debra madden obtained the drug by fraud or deception. the defense argued she did not deceive anyone in it case, an element needed for conviction. this was her second trial. her first trial last fall also ended in a hung jury. her case forced the d.a. to drop charges in hundreds of other criminal cases in which her crime lab was associated. >> the investigative unit exposing a massive infestation at a local distributor.
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now the company says it is ready to reopen. tony kovalev less ski takes us behind the scenes. >> san francisco's archbishop in in the spotlight again over controversial gay marriage remarks. >> we got thinking at some point we should do a better job and go back making it right. >> an emotional ceremony four decades in the making. why it took a local police department so long to honor a fallen officer. >> i'm jeff ranieri in the bay area "weather center." a lot of hazy sunshine. some of the worst air quality in the north, central and also the east bay. what we need is rain to wash this out. none on the radar. we'll let you know when that moves in coming up in just a few minutes.
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an east bay deli is back in business after a norovirus outbreak forced to temporarily shut its doors.
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on monday, the contracostas county health department received calls from goz dozens of people who got sick after eating an event catered by the north park deli in concord. health inspects are determined at twleest employees had the virus. the inspectors say the people who prepared the food for the event did not follow proper hand washing procedures. today after inspection and a refresher course on hand washing the deli was allowed to reopen. >> and this is my livelihood. this is everything for me and my family. and for our customers to show their support and come back, it means so much to me. >> the owner of the deli says the employee who's had the virus were not showing symptoms of it which is why they kept working. >> the palo alto police department held a moving ceremony today to remember an officer killed in the line of duty. there's a twist though. he was killed four decades ago. reserve officer lester cole was hit and killed by a car as he set out flares at an accident 44
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years ago today. in fact, he was the first palo alto police officer ever killed in the line of duty. today the department held an official graveside ceremony to remember him. the chief says the tribute was long overdue. >> we got to thinking at some point, we should do a better job and go back and make it right. >> cole's widow said her husband helped people and loved volunteering. she said he won't have minded that the ceremony took 44 years to take place. a neighbor tried to save her from the flames but she died inside of her sunnyvale mobile home. tonight investigators are still trying to determine the cause of this deadly fire in sunnyvale at the pla da del ray mobile hemo. that's a community near tasmine drive and lawrence expressway. a good sa hair tan banged on the door trying to wake the people inside. however, no one answered so that neighbor tried something else. >> i see the neighbor has a hose right out front.
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so i turned the hose on and start hosing down the house. trying to do something. >> a woman was found dead inside, but police did manage to rescue the man inside of the home. in the east bay, a woman had to be rescued from a house fire in oakley this morning that gutted the home you. see the pictures here. a couple driving in the area saw smoke and followed it to the house where they then caused 911. the rescued woman was heard screaming for her dogs. it's unknown how many dogs were in the house or if they made it out safely. no word yet on cause. >> if you saw something that looked like a fighter jet flying low over the bay area especially over a freeway today, you weren't imagining it. it's a special equipped nasa plane on an unprecedented mission to monitor air pollution across the state. the aircraft will also fly tomorrow collecting data. the plane is flying as low as 1,000 feet. it's focused on interstate 680 in the bay area. the goal is to better understand
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where the air pollution is coming florida and how specifically it moves over the area. >> so no calls of ufos or anything of the sort. which we got a lot of calls and e-mails. >> oh, my gosh. >> good day for that to be happening. we have a lot of haze out there. if you were able to see the plane across the bay area, we have more of that air quality coming up. 68 in santa rosa, 67 in san rafael. cooler back in the east bay after that the cold start with 63 in concord, 26 in livermore. quite a bit warmer down in the south bay. we got in on the 70s like dil gilroy at 72. feels more like late april and early may. santa cruz at 71. san jose at 6 and los gatos in the mid 60s. a few other spots that did reach into the 70s, we had scotts valley at 71, then you had cupertino at 70. san jose upper 60s. i want to put a pause on things for a moment. take a look at january winter
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extremes. anything unlike january should feel like here. throughout the entire month, the south bay has only had seven days of rain .69. we should have 2.081. with so much clear weather, the north bay has been stuck in the freezer. 16 days at or below 32 degrees and the average low is 37. at the coastline, this is where we put the wild twist on things. .at the coastline light offshore winds, that's where we had six days at 70 degrees and or above throughout santa cruz. outside of the sky camera network, there's the haze. the poor air quality we're under in the santa clara valley. you can still make out the air traffic on the upper right-hand part of your screen. otherwise clear straight above with the haze throughout the hill tops for tonight. in san francisco an awesome sunset tonight. a great night down in the city if you're head the out that way, you'll need a jacket through the next couple of hours. high pressure sitting offshore
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keeps it sunny and mild for this time of year for the interior valleys for tomorrow. we'll start off with temperatures in the 40s at 8:00 a.m. for the most part. throughout the day, we'll go for more upper 60s for the interior valleys. mid to upper 60s by the bay. at the coastline, it's going to get pretty warm with low and mid 60s. your 3 day forecast, no hope, unfortunately of any kind i have rainfall coming our way. the allergy forecast is going to be bothering you with trees in the high category. alder, juniper and ash in the moderate. the 3 day forecast, sunny ki skies through this upcoming sunday. great weather if you have any kind i have outdoor super bowl plans coming your way with temperatures expected in the mid to upper 60s. speaking the h of the super bowl, we've heard about people driving ought the way down to new orleans. if you're one of the once that's going to get in the car tonight, weather in new orleans expected in the 60s throughout the game. it's played in the superdome, i do know that, but if you're headed that way and don't have a
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ticket, it's going to be pretty great out in new orleans. >> good party weather for everyone out there. thank you,age ef. san francisco is the epicenter of one of the biggest tech conventions in the world happening right now. celebrities like, do you recognize him on the right? and thousands of techies descended on the moscone center for the macworld. the black eyed peas musician -- i can spit it out, the musician stressed the importance of technology for children. he also talked about his work with steve jobs' widow, lore reen pal jobs to help kids get better access 0 science and math classes. it runs through sated. >> the changing face of california. ahead, the golden state's demographic shift and when experts say we'll reach 50 million residents. >> have local researchers discovered the fountain of youth in the gene that be cal scientists say could be the key. >> i do believe now that i think
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10% of the armed forces have seen the film, i do believe we're going to start to see ching. >> we sit down with jennifer see bolt newsom to talk about her oscar nominated movie and her husband's potential run for governor. we'll be right back.
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>> you know her name by now. gin fer siebel newsom married to lieutenant governor gavin newsom. but her latest project has her grabbing her own headlines. >> tonight she talks about her film that gives a voice to film nominated for an oscar. mar lateral tellez has the story you'll see only on nbc. >> the film has put the department of defense in a position where they had to really take action be. >> department of defense has a history of covering up sexual offense problems. >> she's dabbled in hollywood as an actress. now jennifer siebel new some is
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making hollywood headlines as an award-winning filmmaker. >> i want other girls to see that i'm challenging myself intellectually, that i am getting behind important causes. >> her latest cause is what's being dubbed the most shocking cover-up in the united states military. >> everything changed the day that i was raped. >> siebel new some is one of the executive producers of t"the invisible war" that exposes the epidemic of sexual assault in the u.s. military. it's not just women getting violated though according to the film, more than 20% of female veterans have been sexually assaulted while serving. >> about half men and women have been sexually assaulted in the military. >> if we can prevent sexual assault in the military, i believe we can prevent it or reduce it in our larger culture. >> she isn't new to the art of empowering women through film. she wrote, produced and directed her first movie in 2011. >> "misrepresentation" explores
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the representation of women in positions of power and influence in our country and challenges the media's limited portrayal what it means to be a powerful woman. >> she's hoping to add to her collection of awards and bring home another named oscar but she's not in it for the gold. >> i do believe now that i think 10% of the armed forces have seen the film, i do believe we're going to start to see change. >> between her and her politicking husband, california lieutenant governor gavin newsom, change is inevitable. >> what about you and gavin being governor and first lady? >> i'm really proud of him. i think he would be great. >> is that where he's headed? >> i don't know where he's headed. >> i also asked her if our lieutenant governor is thering of running for president. she said that's a long ways off. beyond the potential academy award, they're pregnant with their third. it's a girl due in summer. so raj, the newsomesomes will
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soon become five. >> and possibly an oscar. >> jennifer is very, very dedicated to the film working. >> still ahead, we featured plenty of passionate 49ers fans over the past few weeks but none like niner jan. how her generosity created a lasting legacy. >> and ahead gay marriage and breastfeeding. the controversial comment from san francisco's archbishop. >> is the stock market growing while the economy is shrinking? it sounds more like a rid. sam brock takes a look in tonight's reality chicagoing. >> i'm janelle wang. america's next possible defense secretary in the hot seat. the angry questions directed at chuck hagel. an explosion in mex stow city at a major oil company leaves more than a dozen dead. world tonight is next. you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years.
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ah! woof! some things will.
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will.
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it was a grilling on capitol hill today. pointed questions for president obama's phenomenon knee for secretary of defense. and many of those questions came from the nominee's own party. >> janelle wang is here with our world tonight. janelle. >> former february nebraska senator chuck hagel hammered today at his senate confirmation hearing. one of the most heated exchanges came from his former friends senator john mccain who grilled hagel on his opposition to the 2007 surge of u.s. forces into iraq. >> deserves your judgment as to whether you were right or wrong about the surge. >> i'll explain why i made those comments. >> i want to know if you were right or wrong. that's a direct question. i expect a direct answer. >> hagel said it wasn't a yes or no answer but senator mccain didn't give him a chance to explain. hagel spent a lot of time clarifying pree clarifying previous positions.
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including supporting the rights of gays in the militaries. if confirmed, he would be the first enlisted man to be as defense secretary. his supporters say that experience makes him uniquely qualified for the job. now to a developing story in mexico. 14 people are dead and 80 injured after an explosion at the headquarters of mexico's state-run oil company. the blast damaged three floors of the building. several thousand workers have been evacuated. the cause of the explosion is unknown but it happened in the basement. to syria now where the country is vowing possible revenge for yesterday's attack by israel. israeli warplanes fired on a convoy they say was transporting weapons to hezbollah in neighboring lebanon, israel's enemy. israel is bracing for possible retaliation. israel is also facing some heat from the united nations tonight. a report by the u.n. human rights council said the country is violating international law by establishing settlements in
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the west bank and pushing palestinians out. the report calls for israel to stop construction immediately in those settlements and if they don't, it could be considered a possible war crime. jessica? >> thank you, janelle. san francisco's archbishop is facing new criticism worldwide after comparing same-sex marriage wb male breastfeeding during an interview. the catholic newspaper quotes salvador court lyon knee. he believes the concept is a natural impossibility. he was part of a statewide network of pastors who promoted california's prop 8 defining marriage as only between a man and woman. in monday's interview with the uk catholic herald, he is quoted as saying "legislating for the right of people of the same sex to marry is like legalizing male breastfeeding." >> california's less than six months away from a historic population shift.
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that's the picture we're getting from the state finance department. the state's population projections show that this summer, the hispanic population will equal that of whites and early next year will surpass it. by 206, hispanics will make up nearly half of california's population. the state is also about five years from another milestone as the population will hit the 40 million mark in 2018 or 2019. let's talk money. you have to go back five years to find the last time the gow broke 14,000. yet here we are again flirting with that milestone just as we learned that last quart the u.s. economy contracted for the first time in 31/2 years. does that mean the economy is on the upswing or about to take a tumble? sam brock takes a look how much stock you should put in the market's near record level. >> we have two pees of information that don't seem to go together, a rising stock market on one land and the shrinking economy on the other. we set out to examine what
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relationship market performance has if any at all to the health of our economy and answer, none. >> as markets open on then final day of january, the country's major indexes sit just below record levels of performance. this just one day after the commerce department announced that gdp the value of you u.s. goods and services dipped into negative territory for the first time in more than 40 months, minus 1%. so wait a minute. which indicator is right? well, i'm not sure that the stock market is necessarily a good predictor of short-run changes in gdp growth. >> santa clara university economist alex fields suspects there might not be any correlation between stock market performance and growth. after looking at the numbers we agree. here's a look at the dow's up and downs over the last five years. you'll see a major plunge during the heart of the recession in '08 and '09.
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now here's gdp performance over the same period. you'll see growth plum plets during the recession years, as well. that's where the similarities end. we looked at the biggest swings in the stock market since 2007 excluding the great recession and then looked at how gdp responded the following quarter. here's what we found. between first and second quarter 2007, the dow jumped 1,054 points. the next quarter? gdp fell .6%. between the first and second quarter of 2010, the dow dropped 1,082 points and the following quarter gdp rose.4%. how about third and fourth quarter of 2011, the dow gained more than 1300 points and gdp fell 2.1% the next quarter. there are seven or eight examples of this inverse behavior. in just five years, cnbc market analyst mary thompson says forget about the link between
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the stock market and gdp. if you want to gauge the temperature of the economy, look to consumers' wallets. >> consumer spending is accounts for two-thirds to three-quarts of the economy. that's what you want to look at. >> as we mentioned that metric consumer spending rose a modest.2% last month but another.4% in november. pair that information with encouraging numbers for private business investment, and chests and investors feel good overall about where the economy is heading. hopefully that provides some clarity in a financial picture filled with mixed signals. i'm sam brock. that is today's reality check. thank you. >> finding the fountain of youth. what local researchers have uncovered that could mean the dream closer to reality. >> is it a bogus fix? a lawsuit involving a widely used antidepressant that has a big pharmaceutical company on the defensive tonight. >> an investigative unit exclusive. a massive rodent infestation at
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a major food distributor. tonight the owner shows us what's been done to help clean things up. >> i'm jeff ranieri in the bay area "weather center." temperatures continue to drop off for tonight. 51 in walnut creek and also in napa and curious about your friday forecast? here's a sneak peek. tomorrow expect temperatures in the 40s and daytime highs approaching 70 degrees. i'll have weekend changes coming up in just a few. hello?
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the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations
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that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters. in health matters does it really work? the makers of zoloft on the defense tonight after being slapped with an unusual lawsuit. the suit claims the popular antidepressant has nos more benefit than a dummy pill and that patients who have taken the
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drug should be reimbursed. pfizer who makes zoloft describes the lawsuit at frivolous. today they told the associated press clinical studies and the experience of millions of patients and their doctors over two decades prove that be zoloft is effective. >> researchers in uc berkeley are looking into microscopes to find the secret to delaying old age. if you dream of doing more than just playing bingo in your golden years the key could be regenerating your tired blood cells. biologies have now infused the blood stem cells of elderly mice with a protein which boosted the formation of new blood cells. experts have long known that 0 those proteins regulate aging but this is the first time they've been used to reverse age associated degeneration. they want to do a pilot program on people, sign me up. >> what's wrong with bingo? >> i've got the bingo ipad ap. >> i'm serious. of course, you do. >> i'm an exciting guy outside
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of the studio. let's take a live look outside at our golden gate bridge. mainly clear right now. we'll talk more about this rare and unusual january heat and fun it lasts into your weekend coming up. >> all right, jeff. i'm jim kozimor. the party has begun in the crescent city. you can hear the bands in the background and the 49ers prepare for super bowl xlvii. jeff york addressed who what 49ers may not wear the uniform next year. plus, vernon davis, maybe he didn't light up the stat sheet this season but why he calls this the best year of his life from the xfinity sportsdesk.
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it's hard to forget the photographs and the video. mice dropping contamination inside an east bay distributor. now another investigative exclusi exclusive. >> we talk to the owners as they try to rebuild the business. reporter tony kovaleski broke the story last july. the feds embargoed food at the facility and called for a national recall following our investigation. >> after learning of our investigation, the state of california moved in and described what they found inside
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the warehouse of a national food distributor as a massive rodent infestation. tonight we can report major changes. the owners saying they now want to get back into business. you're looking at pictures from last may and june. they give you an up-close look behind the walls of this national food distributor. pictures, video and details exposed by two former employees. >> what the mice do is you know they're on the ground and they'll eat from the bottom of the pallet. within a product and just climb all the way up. >> go deeper. this is san francisco natural food company. >> i'm going to show you some of the specific areas where we think the problem originated and also show you what has been done to address that problem. >> he's a national food safety expert hired by the owners of san francisco herb and national
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food to identify and eliminate the rodent problems our investigation exposed inside this warehouse. >> so, basically, ground zoefrt problem right here from your assessment? >> i think that's a very good way to characterize it. >> after months of inspecting the company, the company believes it started with dozens of small holes in the cracks between the concrete slabs where mice and rodents worked their way into the tea, spices, and natural foods. >> we've gone through the whole warehouse and filled in all of the cracks. there's no way for them to come in now. >> barry melzer owns san francisco herb and natural food. he says changes in management along with structural changes to the facility have prevented any rodent intrusion since last august. >> my main goal is to have something good come out all of all this. that's the most important thing to me. >> clearly a significant
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difference between what we showed you seven months ago and what we saw for ourselves inside that warehouse last week. ultimately investigators from the state of california and the fda will have the final say on when the east bay tea spice and natural food distributor returns to business. we will continue to follow up. in the newsroom, i'm tony cove less circumstance nbc bay area news. >> thank you, tony. if you have a tip for our investigative unit call us or census an e-mail. >> jeff ranieri joins us. your buddy al roker is coming to town, as well. >> 4:30 in the morning. but i hear you need to head out at 3:00 a.m. it's east coast live. if you want to be part of that whole thing. >> show al up. >> we won't go to bed tonight. we'll stay up with al. >> it will be good. looking forward to that and we also hear christina will be out there tomorrow morning, as well. i'm sure it's going to make for
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great tv. let's look at the current temperatures right now. 57 in santa rosa, 56 in livermore. dropping to 55 in san jose. while temperatures are cooling off, we did see quite a spike today, especially in the south bay. cupertino the morning low wasn't all that big of talk. it was right near where you should be this time of year. by 3:30 this afternoon, you hit 70 degrees 12 degrees above your average this time of year. it's all about the drying north and slightly offshore wind coming from the east. that's all it takes, only five to ten miles per hour was good enough to get the temperatures to spike today. outside to our live hd sky camera network. the haze in the silicon valley for tonight. some of the air traffic we've been noting on this camera. it's a great view of hows the silicon valley is this time of night. up to emeryville looking back toward san francisco. there it is, that thin veil in the center of your screen. that's poor air quality we have again for tomorrow, if you suffer from allergies it's going
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to be another tough day for you. some changes coming in this forecast i think you'll like. we have high pressure sitting out here in the pacific. it has finally started to move a little bit. by late friday and saturday it's going to push here off to the south and even just a small shift in that jet stream. it's going to be good fluff to give us a wind change and that will help to cool our temperatures down as we head throughout the next 48 to 72 hours. this weekend definitely not going to be mild to warm here for the bay area. we'll go with 50s at the coastline by saturday and sunday. and mainly 60s back for the interior valley. not a huge cold drop in the forecast. you'll still have a lot of the sunshine. it's going to be a lot different than what we're expecting for tomorrow's forecast. 35 in santa rosa. 40 in san rafael. 36 in nach pa. patchy fog. isolated frost near santa rosa. 37 at livermore and 41 back for los gatos. tomorrow warmest spot the south bay. 70 in morgan hill, 70 in santa
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cruz. 67 in los gatos and 68 in sunnyvale. east bay have a little bit of a hard time rising up there with that cold start in the morning. 64 in pleasantton. and 67 in the castro valley. we'll go up to 66 tomorrow in san francisco. 68 in san to rosa. 67 in san rafael. dry and also sunny here for most of the upcoming weekend. temperatures gradually start to drop off.chance of rain coming but you'll have to wait. that forecast model continues to shift this up. we get clouds increasing by wednesday and a chance of some rain by thursday's forecast. i'm already saying tgif today. it's not even friday yet. >> it's not? >> can you do that? >>, of course. we can break the rules. >> thanks, jeff. well, a big wave of 49ers fans are now arriving in new orleans tonight but there's one notable fan who not be there. she was with the team nearly every day before she died. nbc bay area's lauren scott has
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the story of a of a woman who's love for the 49ers was felt by the players, staff and entire bay area. ♪ >> all around new orleans there's a spirit intensifying around the super bowl and it brings to mind the passionate 49ers fan like jan bowen or niner jan as she was known. she visited her home a few years ago before she passed away. >> win or lose, there are people are there supporting us. and, of course, in times like this where we're winning, a lot of people come out and are very enthusiastic but never seem to forget about the people behind it. jan was probably the most amazing example of that. >> players remember her for generosity in being at team headquarters every day to deliver cookies and well wishes. >> if you didn't get one gift, you were going to gift from her. she wrote everyone a personal christmas card and she always showed her appreciation for the
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team and the players and what we did. >> and true to the niners to the end when jan died of cancer a couple of years ago, she donated her entire estate to the 49ers foundation. the charities that the 49ers help support. >> the 49ers foundation mission is to keep kids on safe, on track and in school. although jan didn't have children of her own, she was such a natural caregiver, that that resonated with her, and the significant gift was incredible. it's a continuing legacy of her involvement with the 49ers. >> here's something that may impress you and brings everything home. jan was a native of new orleans. and says she had never seen a football game till the 49ers were taking on the broncos in the super bowl here in new orleans. you'd have to think how a new orleans woman who found a love for the niners in new orleans will be with the team again in great spirit this sunday. >> absolutely. i feel jan's presence here. that will be on the minds of many whose lives were touched by jan. >> with the niners at the super
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bowl, i'm lawrence scott. >> very nice. >> so many players connected with her. >> let's bring in jim kozimor from new orleans and get to more sport sports. >> jim is dancing around. jim, you got the beat. has the music taken you over? >> it is, man. you guys who to get me off the dance floor to get ready for this. i am ready to meet some beads. we'll get things rolling here from the big easy. let's talk football super bowl xlvii coming up on sunday. vernon davis last season against the saints in the playoffs he made one of the most memorable plays in 49er history. this year statistically maybe the numbers haven't been there for him but he still is enjoying his time. mindi bach has more. >> 201 was a different season for vernon davis starting all 16 regular season games for the
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fifth straight year and completely healthy, davis had his fewest catches, receiving yards and touchdowns since the 2008 season. but for davis, the lack of numbers was worth it. >> the frustration just kept coming to my mind. but you know what? i sat back and said i'm not frustrated. i can't be frustrated. this is the best year of my life. i say that because you know, i was a big factor on this team winning. >> that may seem counterintuitive considering he had two games this season where not only he did not have a catch but he wasn't even targeted. his role in the passing game is only part of his strength with the 49ers this season. >> he's involved in all the run game, all the block game, protections a lot of times. he's the guy that has taken that run game stuff so seriously. has really been a tool for us. he matches up so well. so strong. you know, that i mean he's an extension of the offensive line for us. >> he's one of those guys that you all say has that it sort of
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say. you know, he catches touchdowns. he's blocking. he's somebody you really got to know where he's at at all times. >> he's a freak at the position. 250u7 pounds, runs a 4.3. and that's a mismatch for a lot of linebackers in the league. >> we're at the super bowl. this is what we play for. this is the moment we live for. everything we prepare for and everything that we do in our life, you know, especially in this game, is for this moment. >> davis has eemerged as a large part of the 49ers passing game through postseason. he has six catches for 150 yards and a touchdown. in new orleans with the 49ers, mindy bach, nbc bay area. sfloor all right. let's move it on to alex smith. he has spent more time answering questions this week about his role on the sideline. and his future with the 49ers as the actual game coming up. the future has been it is
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spotlight. there's a real possibility smith will not return next season. jed york has said there is room for him on the team but they'll deal with who is going and staying after the super bowl. >> what happens at the end of the season, what happened after sunday and the guys know how much i care about them and whether they're here or somewhere else, i wish everybody on this team the best. i mean, i have a great respect for the guys on this roster. and they've done a lot together. and you know, whether you win the super bowl or you go 0-16, your team is never the same year after year. and it's always sadat the end of the year a little bit. it's always bittersweet because you know some of the guys there with you this year are not going to be there next year. >> that's going to do it for sports for now. we'll have warriors highlights and more at 11:00. i'm going to get my wash board and cymbals because there is a band that needs me somewhere in
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the cress zent scent city. >> watch sports central on comcast "sportsnet central" tonight at 10:30.
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okay. what did you do at work today? workers at the san francisco zoo spent the morning creating the baltimore ravens logo in bananas and other vegetables accompanied by the message go niners. the endeavor was done for a rhinoceros niped boone. the zoo wanted to make sure he could literally have the baltimore ravens for breakfast. boone is name for alex boone loved it. the human boone liked the rhino
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so much he worked as a keeper for the day to earn the naming rights for his new bff. >> coming up tonight, car thefts are on the rise across the east bay. investigators say the victims face more problems than just a stolen car. that story is tonight after the premiere of "do not harm," right here. >> the sounds like a good lineup for this evening. >> thanks for watching us tonight. have a great evening. we hope you to see you at 11:00. >> bye-bye. to see you at 11:00. >> bye-bye. to see you at 11:00. >> bye-bye. to see you at 11:00. >> bye-bye. to see you at 11:00. >> bye-bye.
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>> now on "extra" -- beyonce's take that. >> ♪ and the rockets' red glare ♪
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belting out the best revenge after her lip sync scandal. a.j.'s with her in new orleans. >> how are you doing, beyonce? >> how are you doing, a.j.? >> super bowl's hall of shamer. dan marino's secret lovechild talks a big game. his tv interview hours before it blew up on the front page. >> you're a happily married father of six. >> breaking new details on his undercover mistress. their daughter now 7 years old and mega million dollar cover- up. >> we're in new orleans with reaction today. >> god bless he and his family. >> plus, his wife hiding out in their mansion l she stand by her man? >> jennifer lopez on her post- divorce depression battle. >> i was in the worse time of my life. >> i've got j.lo's deep and personal new a-list interview in vegas. then rock star may are cory booker and "extra's" dating life and run to the white house. plus, more proof kate upton's the hottest woman alive. and, we're doing a special super bowl edition of mario versus maria. eating contest. are you ready? >> oh, yes! are you ready? >> oh, yes!


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